Scholarship Application Essay Writing: be likable

When you’re applying for a scholarship, there’s often an essay involved. Writing this essay is really the only part of the application you have control of, because your personal information isn’t going to make a difference. Everyone that fills out a form probably has an equal chance, but if you have an amazing, interesting and likable essay along with yours, your chances are significantly raised. Writing this essay will change your life, because if you get the scholarship and go to school, you’ll be educated and closer to your career and the rest of your life. If you don’t get it, you’ll be applying for others, working for a few more years, or even changing your career choice. Either way, this essay is important.

How to Write a Good Scholarship Essay

These essays are usually reviewed by a board of people, depending on the scholarship and the university. You need to impress them and tell them what they want to hear, while still being true to who you are and your passions. It’s a good idea to look up the guidelines for the essay and if you can, find past examples that were accepted. Know as much information as you can before you start writing. A scholarship essay should be about you, but also about what you can give. Educators want to know about your dreams and see how they will change the industry for the better and bring new innovation to everyday people.

Here are a few things to include in your scholarship essay:

  • Talk about transitions in your life and how you’ve changed for the better
  • As long as its relevant, you can mention a failure and what you learned from it
  • A great accomplishment is a good topic, but don’t brag
  • If there’s one event or belief you have that led you to want this career, talk about how it’s changed your life and how dedicated you are to helping others
  • Do you have a person who means a lot to you, who you respect in this field?

In the end, it’s your dedication to education and the big reason why you want to pursue it that matter. Always stay positive in your essay, even when talking about tragedy or setbacks. If you can stay relevant to why they should accept you for the scholarship, they’re more likely to award it to you because they can see exactly what you’d do with it.

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